ONE | If you love rainy fall like weather as much as I do, you'll love this site. It's called Rainy Mood, it's just the sounds of rain on loop...we had some rain this week, so I didn't have to use it but it's nice and calming if you just wanna unwind with coffee during nap time. I also listen to it with Bon Iver songs because, duh. 

TWO | Your September horror scope from Mothermag, cause we all need an excuse to justify why we're the we are some days. 

THREE | I guess I've been on a cleaning kick lately, but this thirteen ways to clean your house with apple cider vinegar, is amazing if you like to use natural cleaners. We have a zoo of pets and a baby, so i'm down for anything without harmful ingredients. 

FOUR | Saw this on buzzfeed today and I thought id' share with other mama's, hilarious.

FIVE | Local Natives have been around for a while and I haven't listened to their new stuff but this song use to be one of my favorites, especially this live performance.

Oliver has been nine months for like a month, lol. I kind of dropped the ball this month and kept forgetting to take his nine month photo, so we took it yesterday...he'll be ten months in two days, whoops.

I've gotta go put up Halloween decor around the house, we start celebrating in September because it's our favorite holiday and season! I promised my fiance that I wouldn't put up the outside decor until October 1st, so our tiny town doesn't think the Addams family moved in. 

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