We have three cats, scratch that...make it four cats. We kind of have a zoo, not including Oliver. 

This past weekend I finally got a night all to myself and I was pumped, I had already planned to paint my nails, watch crappy movies, and drink wine. Then it happened, the tiniest sounding meow right behind me. At first I thought one of our cats got locked into a room or closet or cabinet, which happens a lot because curiosity killed the cat. So I start searching around the house and do a roll call on all the cats, they're all there and fine. So I sit back down on the couch and I hear it again! Finally I realize it's coming from outside and I go out there to look, I keep hearing the meow but I can't see shit. Where we live, in a small town, there isn't much light at night and my iphone flashlight just isn't cutting it. I throw on my rain boots in fear of being eating alive by bugs or a snake. I finally see the kitten, well her little white back legs, then I don't see her again for the rest of the evening. I looked for her the entire night, I finally gave up and went to bed because there wasn't much I could do if she wasn't going to come out. I thought at least she's good at hiding so she should be safe until the morning and I can look for her again.

She meowed ALLLL night, I woke up at 4am to get Oliver to nurse and I heard the kitten meowing. When we woke up for the day, I went outside to get her. I meowed trying to get her to meow back so I could locate her and sure enough she came to me. Seriously? lol, that's all I had to do to get her out? Why didn't I think of that the night before.

She was filthy, sick, and hungry, So I gave her a bath, got her some kitten milk and food. We made her a little safe place in our guest bathroom for her to get acquainted and to rest up. I took her to the vet and she had a respiratory infection so she's been on medicine since.

This is her now, living the life of a spoiled house cat.

Welcome to the family, Violet! (Don't piss on the rugs, please.)

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