This is Oliver, he still lives at home.

We moved into a very old house (1900) a few months back, we love it. I kind of went crazy for the last few months flipping out about possible lead poisoning with our son. The past owners also had a baby about Oliver's age so that kind of put my mind at ease. Thankfully, we got his lead test done early at his 9 month appointment and he is in the clear!

When we first saw this house when looking to buy, we saw this room, well it was a closet lol. But I knew this room would be the perfect nursery, it just needed to be pretty much completely redone. Thankfully I have a wonderful fiance who goes above and beyond on making my dreams come true. cheesy, whatever.

This was the "room" before we bought the house and moved in.

Huge closet. With a tv.

After a lot of work, sweat, and beers, we got Oliver's room together....

We somehow lost his rug, our dog bed covers and dog blankets in the move. It makes me sad but also I get to shop for a new rug....aka pace the rug aisles at Target for hours until I finish my Starbucks.

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