A lot has happened since my last blog post, I guess I got caught up with the candle shop and planning our wedding. Well, since then, we've got hitched (yay for no longer living in sin!). We also became pregnant with our second a month prior to the wedding, and of course my baby bump was in full swing early just in time for the big day :) We had to spill the beans at the wedding because there was no hiding it lol, we still had a blast and I got to marry my person.

We also moved! With another one on the way, we had decided that maybe we should move closer to family and find a newer home that would be safer for the kids. We were living in a house that was 117 years old, there were gas lines coming up from the ground in each room, lead paint behind lots and lots of layers of paint, the house wouldn't keep warm during the winter, and we just didn't like how our little town that we fell in love with, was starting to go down hill due to the city manager. We had amazing neighbors that I keep in touch with, they were the best part about the town, beside the food!

We found an awesome neighborhood that focuses on families and children, every holiday is celebrated hugely here, which I love and I can't wait for Halloween! I've been nesting like crazy and have been trying to get the house ready before baby arrives, so i'll be posting some post of before and afters. 

I'm currently on modified bed rest for another week due to this baby sizing so big and having high fluids, I was having pre term contractions from lugging this big ol' belly around. Trying to stay in bed and rest is hard when you have a toddler and all you want to do is nest and get things ready. Thankfully I went hard beforehand and got mostly everything ready for baby. Now we just have to wait for the big day!

I will be posting more now that things have kind of slowed down, my candle shop was put on hold during the move and I'm thinking it's a good idea to keep it on vacation mode till this new little one is a few months old. I want to focus on my growing little family. 

1 comment :

  1. Wow, it sounds like you have a lot on your plate! Growing up in a small town, I appreciate the feeling of community you describe - it sounds like you've found a great place to land. Good luck with the new baby! #fdflinkparty
